Thursday, April 14, 2011

The start of my weight-loss Journey that began in December of 2009.

To start off this blog, I will start off with where my story began and how I got heavy.  When I was in High School, I was a competitive swimmer on both the High School team and the Rawlins Swim Team (RRST).  It makes me sad to think that I went from someone who was very active (all though still about 30-40 pounds over weight) to someone that just became very lazy.  Yes, I said it, LAZY.  I hadn't worked out or anything for almost 16 years.  My diet basically consisted of junk, over sized portions, fast food, and pop.  I drank pop like it was water and rarely drank actual water.  Before I knew it, I was a 100+ pounds over weight. I didn't think about what I was eating or how it was affecting my life and health.  I just kept going through life as I had been with NO cares in the world at all.  I had gained most of my weight in a 2 year period because of working nights, working full time, and going to college full time.  I got only about 4 hours asleep per day and did nothing but eat to keep myself awake.  Before I knew it, I had gained 70 pounds.  It wasn't until December of 2009 that I realized I HAD to do something.  I could not stand in my kitchen to do dishes for more than 5 minutes without my back just killing me!  I was also planning a trip to Greece and Italy, and knew that I could not do all that walking or be able to climb to the top of the Acropolis in Athens.  So, I started making simple changes.  I just cut back on the portions, stopped the fast food, and drank more water.  However, I was still eating junk food, like potato chips.  Then, I realized that changing my eating was not going to cut it.  By March 2010, I had hired a personal trainer.  By my trip to Europe, I was at least in good enough shape to do all that walking and climb to the top of the Acropolis.

In August of 2009, I was finally able to watch the Biggest Loser.  It was while watching my first season of the show, that I really got inspired to start getting healthy.  Well, so far this is my Journey.  It has taken me a year to lose 60 pounds with my trainer, but I feel SO much better.  I still want and need to lose about 60-70 more pounds.  I am now addicted to working out again, and I count calories like an obsession!  I'll get there and I have no doubt about it!

Before Picture - December 2009

So far to date:  60 Pounds Later on March, 5, 2011


  1. Kara, You have done an AWESOME job!! Keep up the hard work!

  2. Keep at it and I have no doubt you will get there. I will be following you this coming summer. I am planning on doing a 1/2 marathon this fall...come do it with me. You don't have to run it but you can walk the Biggest Looser Challenge! The sense of accomplishment you will feel when you complete it ...will be well worth it!

  3. Kara,
    You are doing a great job! keep it up. We should have a swim team get together in 2012 for the reunion. I'm not saying I'll be in any shape to swim a 500 but, it could be a goal. We love you and you're doing an amazing job.
    -Rebecca Schroeder

  4. Shanda RothenbergerApril 14, 2011 at 1:00 PM


    What an inspiration you are! You look great! All of your hard work is paying off! I'm so happy for you! :)
