Sunday, May 8, 2011

Another P90X workout....

Damn Tobe! He destroyed me again yesterday! Since it was Saturday, it's full body workout day! To start things off, Tobe had me do body squats! Of course, he just loves to make me do those! We started with body squats for 30 seconds, then switched to incline push-ups using the bench in the gym.  Rest. Then repeat.  We did this for 3 sets.

Next came a combination of bent over rows, using a 20 pound bar bell, rep out for 30 seconds, switch to biceps curls with same bar bell for 30 seconds, then switch to flutter kicks (lay on your back, hands out to the side, crunch up a little bit, and flutter kick your legs, go for 30 seconds.  Rest. Repeat for 3 sets.

Then came the P90X stuff! This stuff kills me! Using your squats, pick up 20 pound bar bell, come up into standing position, leaving bar bell at waist level, then squat down to put bar bell on the floor.  While in that position and still holding on to bar bell, pop legs back into a plank position, then pop your legs out the sides (like open scissors), pop legs back into plank position, pop legs back into squat position, pick up bar bell as your coming up into a standing position.  Then bring bar bell into a bicep curl, then military pressing it up above your head.  Repeat for 8 times.  Rest. Repeat for 2 sets!

This P90X type exercises are brutal.  They may look easy, but trust me, they are NOT! However, doing these things are really making me realize that I am A LOT stronger than I realize that I am.  Tobe even commented on this yesterday.  He told me that last weeks treadmill workout should have been a real eye opener for me and prove to me that I am strong and can do what ever is thrown at me.  He also said that because of that, he feels that I'm fixing to lose a lot of weight in the coming months!  I really hope he is right!  I really need to speak to Braxton about switching stuff up and making it harder.  Otherwise, I just may have to drop Braxton like a hot potato and strictly workout with Tobe!

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