Thursday, May 19, 2011

Everyday Struggle....

I know that I have not blogged in awhile, but there has really been nothing to blog about. I'm still in the everyday battle that is weight-loss! I struggle every single day.  

I have been leaning on my support system a lot lately.  I'm sure they are all tired of me complaining that the weight is not coming off fast enough.  Yes, I complain about that ALL the time.  I really wish it would come off faster.  I always have to remember that I did not put it on over night and therefore it will not come off over night.

I need to take what someone told me the other day to heart and need to live by it.  They told me that I need to quit focusing on the scale number and concentrate on how my clothes fit and how I feel.  That is SO much easier than done! 

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