Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tonight's Workout (July 12, 2011) - Ass was successfully kicked....

Here is tonight's workout:

- Body Squats - 30 second intervals - 3 sets

- Standing Incline leg press - alternating legs - lowering your leg to the floor and using your other leg to push yourself backup, then do the same thing with the other leg - 30 second intervals - 3 sets

- Get into a low squat and then pivot to the right in a half circle, then pivot back to center and side kick.  Then you repeat going the opposite direction.  This is counted as one set.  Repeat this for 3 sets at 30 second intervals.

- Here you are on kneeling on one of the machine benches (we used the lateral pull down machine) and face the opposite way.  Tobe took the lat. pull down bar and made me use it as a stabilizer.  Then he had me flatten out my back and lower myself as far as I could go, then using my hamstrings to pull myself backup. - 30 second intervals for 3 sets.

- He then had me do toe taps, which is basically alternating your feet and touching the step up bench.

- Then it was stair run time. Holding a 25 pound weight above my head, run up the stairs, drop weight, come down the stairs, run back up the stairs, pick up weight and run down stairs, drop weight, run back up stairs, run back down stairs.   This was ONE set - had to do this for 3 sets!

Tonight was almost a puking night!

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