Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Over Coming Fears....

I am beginning to realize that weight-loss is just not about becoming stronger, healthier, or smaller, but it is also about over coming and conquering your fears.  This realization came while I was in my training session with Tobe last night.  When he showed me the exercise in which I was to hold a bar, kneel on a bench, flatten my back out and go down as low as I could and use my hamstrings to pull myself back up, I looked at him in horror!

Tobe saw the look on my face and told me that I could do this. I told him that the bar I was using for stability was going to slip and I would fall flat on my face while doing this.  He tried to give me encouragement, by telling me that it wouldn't move.   I was SO terrified that I was shaking the entire first set.  My face was probably as white as a ghost while performing this exercise too!  

After the first set, my heart was pounding so fast and I was shaking, but then a funny thing happened.  I was all of the sudden over come with an emotion of accomplishment and satisfaction.  It was strange that these emotions all of the sudden just over came me.  The next two sets were such a walk in a park after the first one. 

Tobe was very pleased and told me that the reason he had me do that type of exercise was to push me out of my comfort zone.  Then he said, when I realized it was one that was going to terrify you, I wanted you to do it even more because it gave you an opportunity to over come a fear.

After giving this some thought, I realize that over coming a small fear like this, builds on your inner strength.  All the small things that I have done during this last year and half, have made me realize that not only am I becoming stronger physically but, I'm also becoming stronger mentally.  Throughout my entire life, I never knew that I had this inner strength.

1 comment:

  1. Last night after kickboxing, Guy Mezger left us with these words of wisdom: "Regardless of whether you ever decide to step into the ring, you should always train like an athlete."

    With that in mind, you're training like one stubborn, determined athlete!!! Keep it up!
