Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tonight's Workout (July 13, 2011) - Another Ass Kicking

Here is Tonight's Workout:

- Get into a squat position - holding a 25 pound dumbbell at one end with both hands  swing the dumbbell into a front lateral raise as your coming up - set of 20 for 2 sets

- Free weight chest press - 2o reps for 3 sets

- Free weight shoulder press - 20 reps for 3 sets

- Lat. Pull Down - 20 reps for 3 sets @ 65 pounds

- Chest rows - 20 reps for 2 sets

- Sit-ups for 20 reps

- Lay flat on the ground and come up into a standing position (I'm pretty fast at this one now!!) - set of 10 for 2 sets

- Take Medicine Ball (6 lb. ball) - do a motion where you are gathering a pail of water from a creek and throwing over the opposite shoulder.  So 15 reps on each side.

- Take the same Medicine Ball and throw the ball as hard as you can at the ground.  It has to be hard enough to where it bounces off the floor and then hitting the wall and comes back to you.  This is a good one to get out some aggression for sure! I think I must have done like 30 or 40 throws because he counted to 10 like 1, 1 and 1/10th... etc..

It was a great workout!  Tobe also thought being with a different trainer while Braxton is MIA, will shock my body and help boost my metabolism again.  I will be with Mr. Mark McCain again on Friday for another ass kicking!

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