Friday, December 2, 2016

Diary of a Carb Addict...

 Yes, I am a carbohydrate addict. We all know that bread, pasta, chips, sugary drinks, pop, candy, and most quick processed foods are horrible for us to eat, yet some of us can't get enough of them. I am one of those people. While, I can no longer eat a large amount of them, when you constantly snack on them through out the day, it does do damage. I don't really eat a lot of sweets, but I snack on popcorn, chips, and quick processed foods. Here's the hard truth, once I allowed carbs back into my diet, it has been down hill from there. Let me tell you folks, the bad carbohydrates are like a drug, once you start you can't stop. Some people are able to eat such carbs and not gain weight however, while on this journey I have found that I am just NOT one of those people, regardless of how active I am. I look at carbs and gain weight. I have to limit my carbs way less than most people in order to lose weight. My body just doesn't handle carbs well at all. I am tired all the time, lethargic, don't sleep well, and my body swells.

I found an article that was entitled Carb Addiction: Cake Is The New Crack. It describes how these bad carbs actually give us the same symptoms that drug and alcohol addicts get. These bad carbs not only taste good, they make us feel good. These foods also release dopamine, the same as a drug or alcohol does. Dopamine is a major player in addictive behavior. These bad carbs also release a response from our cannabinoid receptors, causing us to "crave" these foods. 

7 Signs You Have a Carb Addiction. Here are seven clear signs you have a carb addiction. I have to admit, I have have all seven of them.
  1. Conditioned to Eat - wanting these foods all the time, especially when you aren't hungry
  2. Emotionally Attached - you think you can't live without it. 
  3. Just. Can't. Stop. - not being able to stop just at one
  4. You'll Eat Better Later - you keep telling yourself you'll cut back later
  5. Can't Focus - continually thinking about that next snack.
  6. Out-of Control Portions - your portion sizes start to increase
  7. You Feel Withdrawal Symptoms When you Cut Back/Cut Refined Carbs Out - Felling sick, headaches, and increased cravings.
Of course we all know this and know we shouldn't eat these these foods, but some of us have way more control over it than others. An addiction is an addiction, regardless if it's food, drugs, or alcohol. The first step is admitting you have a major problem. 

The first step is to detox my system from the bad carbs. This will require me to do the liquid diet that was provided to me prior to and after my surgery. The protein liquid diet. 3-4 protein shakes a day, sugar free popsicles, and heart healthy soup broth. This diet will last for 2 weeks in order for me to kick the carb carvings.

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