Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Self Sabotage ...

 What Is Self- Sabotage?  According to the Psychological definition Self-Sabotage is "behavior that creates problems and interferes with long-standing goals. The most common self-sabotaging behaviors are procrastination, self-medication with drugs or alcohol, comfort eating, and forms of self-injury such as cutting. These acts may seem helpful in the moment, but they ultimately undermine us, especially when we engage in them repeatedly".
The reason I am blogging about self-sabotage, is that I have done this every single time with weight-loss. I am extreamly dedicated, then when I hit a certain point, things get out of control. When I get a little bit of stress in my life; whether it is with work, traffic, money, being too busy and not enough time in the day, or what-ever else I start eating the wrong things.

So, in the last few months, I have gained some weight back. Some of it do to stress, some of it being from boredom, and some of  it because I just wanted to eat what I wanted to eat. The weight gain has made me feel guilty, stressed, worried, hopeless, and not to mention has me feeling that I have failed once again.

Self-Sabotaging is so frustrating because you know you shouldn't be doing what you are doing, but you just don't stop yourself. Then before you know it, a lot of harm has been done. It makes you feel like you have failed and in turn makes you to continue to do the things you were doing even more.

While doing some research on the internet, I came a cross an article that describes ways that you Self-Sabotage without even knowing it.

1.) Fear of Success
2.) Dwell on too many options
3.) Quit when the going gets tough
4.) Don't take your financial situation seriously
5.) Letting other monopolize your time
6.) Avoiding the hard work in favor of the trivial
7.) Not taking radical responsibility
8.) Telling yourself negative stories
9.) Spending all of your time planning
10.) Sabotaging your sleep
11.) Don't cut yourself any slack

Each of these are explained in detail in the article, but for me, I can tell you that 7 or 8 definitely apply to me. I found the article to be informative and explained each reason in a way that was relatable and understandable.

 I need to remember how far I have come, how good I was feeling, and just get back to working the program. Just let me tell you.. Weight-loss Surgery is NOT an easy fix, you still have to deal with A LOT along the way. So, anyone that tells you it is the "easy" way out or that you "cheated" have absolutely NO clue to what the hell they are talking about.

The struggle is very real!

How do you deal with your emotions? If you find yourself in self-sabotage mode how do you deal with it? What do you do to get out the seemingly never ending funk?

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