Monday, April 18, 2011

Just get moving....

Today's blog is about exercise.  You have to get your body moving again! Start out by doing simple things to get you out of that chair and moving again.  You can do it!

Start slow, walk about 15 minutes a day.  It doesn't matter how far you get the first time, all that matters is your moving!  Do basic calisthenics exercises such as side bends, bend over to touch your toes, and invest in some resistance bands so you can do some real basic physical therapy type of exercises.  These are simple things, but they will get your blood flowing and, trust me, you will sweat!  As you go along, increase your walking, and add weight.  For adding weight, I'm not saying you have to go out and buy 40 pound weights.  Just adding a large bottled water, soup cans, and any other household product will work for additional weight. For example, take two soup cans (one in each hand) and while sitting or standing, do military press movements, lifting the soup cans up and down over your head keeping your arms at a 90 degree angle, and do bicep curls with the soup cans as well. See, simple and no money spent on expensive weights.

This is how I had to start out again.. Believe me, you will start to feel better after a couple of weeks.  You will also start to feel stronger too!  When I first started with my trainer, I could barely get through some of the exercises he wanted me to do.. it was hard and did I want to give up?? Of course I did, but I realized that if I wanted to become healthy again, I just had to suck it up and do it.  Now, I can do pretty much anything my trainers ask of me.  Believe me, even after getting in better shape, being stronger, and being healthier,  I still get sore and exhausted after a workout!  So my friends, the muscle soreness and exhaustion, never ends! Sorry to disappoint you here! :-)

Just get moving! You will start to feel better in no time and you will want to increase your activity level.  Trust me, I am now increasing my activity level all the time.  And now, here it is a little over a year later, and I'm starting to train for a 1/2 Marathon in November!

If I, and the people on the Biggest Loser can do it! So can you!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you. You really had come a long way and look at how much you have learned as well. Keep it up!
