Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Something I kind of already knew...

Before last night's workout, I was talking to the trainer that I have been using for the last couple of weeks.  Yes, Braxton is still MIA.  Anyway, I was telling him that I have been at a stand still once again.  I really hate being at a stand still because it is SO frustrating, as I just want this weight off!! Anyhoo, while speaking with him, he asked me two basic questions:

1.) How much protein I eat per day.

2.) How many calories I am eating per day.

I told him that I am only eating about 25-30 grams of protein and about 1100 calories a day.  Then he asked how much I weighed.  When I told him, he said that he wanted to slap me. I gave him a strange look.

He said first of all, for your weight, you need to be eating about 25-30 grams of protein per meal.  Secondly, I see you in the gym almost everyday and you workout with us 3 or 4 times a week.  You are not eating enough.  So, he wants me to give him what I eat for a week so we can figure out where to make changes.  He said, by me eating so little amount of protein, I'm going to be destroying the muscle I have built instead of burning fat.

I really hope this will work and I can boost my weight-loss again!  I really wish I was not allergic to all the foods that I am because that would certainly help me out in getting the nutrients that I need! 

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