Monday, August 22, 2011

Not feeling it....

So, I know that I have not blogged an quite sometime, but there are reasons for this.  The main reason is because, even though I have been going to the gym and seeing my trainer, work has had me really busy this past month and it hasn't left me much time to keep up with my blog.  That being said, it has not been a very good month for me.  I have to be honest with myself so here it goes.  I have been doing my cardio regimen, but I have not been pounding it as hard as I should.  I have to put my mind set back into what it was BEFORE fracturing my ankle and do my cardio every morning and every evening.  I was losing weight SO much faster when I was doing that.  However, I know that I'm a stress eater, and I have been under a lot of stress lately, especially with work.  The cardio is for sure what I need right now!

I think some of this has to do with the fact that Braxton was MIA for the month as well.  Yes, Tobe pushes me and kicks my ass each session, but Braxton makes me do laps, and I think that really helps me.  I also ran into to my very first trainer that I worked with, Billy, and he said that I looked good. Yes, this is the same Billy that fractured my ankle.  So, I am feeling pretty good about my journey, but I'm also feeling that I need to push it to the next level.  This is where I'm just not feeling it anymore.  I guess you could also call it boredom.  Yes, I have ADD when it comes to this stuff, because I get bored very easily!  It is for sure time to change things up!!! Tobe and Braxton will now need to help and push me to do that! Especially, since I only have them until Feb. or March of next year.

Even though I am down only 5 pounds in the last month, this has put my weight-loss to a total of 78 pounds since my journey began a year and half ago.  This does make me very happy!  I have an exuberance of confidence that I have not had in such a long time and that makes me feel pretty damn proud of myself!  I have not taken my measurements in awhile, but I can tell in my clothes that I have lost a few more inches as my size 14's are starting to feel loose.  It also feels great when people that you have not seen in quite sometime tell you, that they barley recognized you because you lost a "shit load" of weight! That feels pretty damn good!

For those that are in the same position, struggling day by day at this very LONG journey we call weight-loss. I understand, we all fall back into old patterns that got us here in the first place, we get discouraged when things aren't going the way or as fast as we want them, and we feel like giving up.  All I can say, is keep at it!  I know that we get there eventually.  I can't wait for the Biggest Loser to start again, because I need that motivation! That show always seems to keep me motivated! (This is me trying to get my self psyched back-up and start "feeling" it again)!

With all this being said, tomorrow is a new day!  It is time to get back into that mind set and go after what I want!  I'm doing a 10K in a couple of weeks and right now, my only goal is to finish it!  I want to finish it in about 1.5 hours, I think that I can do that! Actually, I KNOW that I can do that!

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