Thursday, April 14, 2016

Eating Healthy

Eating Healthy is the first step to better life. As a bariatric patient, I have had to cut out carbs, carbonated drinks, sugar, and foods high in fat. Now, there are days that I don’t abide by all the rules, but it is in moderation. I do have a piece of candy here and there, but I have not had a carbonated drink since April 1, 2015.

This image shows what a normal person should eat to get healthy. For bariatric patients, the protein is 1/2 your plate.

My food macros are: 50/30/20

50% Protien
30% Healthy Fats (ie: Avocado, Olive Oil)
20% Carbs (ie: Quinoa, Whole Grains.. and yes, Veggies and fruit count in your carb intake!)

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