Sunday, May 29, 2011

Totally finding out that I'm strong....

Today's workout was another brutal one.  Tobe and Braxton, the last two days have both destroyed me! I'm really sore after both of their brutal workouts the last two days! However, I really am liking them increasing the intensity of my workouts.  Tobe has been doing this for awhile, but Braxton has now started doing it, so this is a very good thing!

Here is today's workout:

Started with body squats, which Tobe just loves to make me do.  He then had me move to push-ups using the stepper board.  The stepper board he was having me use, was low enough to the ground that I was almost doing full blown military push-ups!  I was not doing modified push-ups! YAY me!  Then he had me do jumping jacks, another thing he loves to make me do.  We did each exercise for 30 seconds for a total of three sets.

Next,  he had me hold a 10 pound weight in my hand, while laying on the ground and then come up into standing position.  This has to be done with the weight being held in the air.  Then going back down to a laying position on the floor.  He had me do this four times for two sets.  This was not an easy task and it for sure makes you use most of the muscles in your body!  The reason he only had me do 2 sets of only four is because it does make you dizzy!

Next, he made me run sprints in the racket ball court.  He had me do a set of side shuffle sprints, then sprint forward and coming back backwards.  We did 3 sets of each and each sprint style lasting 30 seconds!  By the time I was done with this section of my workout, I looked at Tobe and said "Holy Hell!".  Of course, he just laughed and said "what can I say, I'm the destroyer"!

Then finally, he had me do sitting rows and switching to leg lifts while sitting on the row bench (leaning back a little and then moving your legs in and out).  You do each one for 30 seconds for 3 sets.

The coolest thing came while I was doing the push-ups! Tobe said "Wow! Look at you, you are basically doing a full military push-up! I know people that can lift 80 pounds all day long, but still can't do a military push-up. That is a sign of strength, and you should be VERY proud of yourself right now".  He is totally right, I am PROUD of myself and I am feeling stronger than I have in my entire life!  Another awesome thing that happened during my workout was the second section of exercises because I know that I would not have been able to do that even 6 months ago!  Tobe also said to me today "your starting to look skinny"! HaHa! Have to laugh at that one, I know that I am looking and feeling better, but not skinny yet! It was a great thing to hear from your trainer though!

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Biggest fear about my weight-loss....

So, watching the Biggest Loser finale my biggest fear about my weight-loss was being shown ALL over! As person after person got up on that scale, I was seeing loose skin!  That, my readers and friends, is my biggest fear about this whole journey! I DON'T want the common loose skin issue that a lot of people have when they lose a lot of weight.

Yes, I know I have mentioned it to some of you, and I hear what your saying.  Your losing it slowly and not as fast as those people are on the Biggest Loser.  Your toning up as your losing weight by doing weight training, along with the cardio and diet.  I hear you, and my logical thinking brain says that your right, but that doesn't help in calming my fear.  I can't help but envision my future self with hanging skin in the arms and belly! This vision TOTALLY freaks me out!

However, I can't not let my fear hinder the enormous amount of progress that I have made thus far.  I need to just keep at it and remember the pay off in the end will be huge and life changing.  I have already seen how losing this much weight (I'm down 66 pounds now) has already changed my life!

So, there you have it! My biggest fear as far as weight-loss goes! 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Everyday Struggle....

I know that I have not blogged in awhile, but there has really been nothing to blog about. I'm still in the everyday battle that is weight-loss! I struggle every single day.  

I have been leaning on my support system a lot lately.  I'm sure they are all tired of me complaining that the weight is not coming off fast enough.  Yes, I complain about that ALL the time.  I really wish it would come off faster.  I always have to remember that I did not put it on over night and therefore it will not come off over night.

I need to take what someone told me the other day to heart and need to live by it.  They told me that I need to quit focusing on the scale number and concentrate on how my clothes fit and how I feel.  That is SO much easier than done! 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Another P90X workout....

Damn Tobe! He destroyed me again yesterday! Since it was Saturday, it's full body workout day! To start things off, Tobe had me do body squats! Of course, he just loves to make me do those! We started with body squats for 30 seconds, then switched to incline push-ups using the bench in the gym.  Rest. Then repeat.  We did this for 3 sets.

Next came a combination of bent over rows, using a 20 pound bar bell, rep out for 30 seconds, switch to biceps curls with same bar bell for 30 seconds, then switch to flutter kicks (lay on your back, hands out to the side, crunch up a little bit, and flutter kick your legs, go for 30 seconds.  Rest. Repeat for 3 sets.

Then came the P90X stuff! This stuff kills me! Using your squats, pick up 20 pound bar bell, come up into standing position, leaving bar bell at waist level, then squat down to put bar bell on the floor.  While in that position and still holding on to bar bell, pop legs back into a plank position, then pop your legs out the sides (like open scissors), pop legs back into plank position, pop legs back into squat position, pick up bar bell as your coming up into a standing position.  Then bring bar bell into a bicep curl, then military pressing it up above your head.  Repeat for 8 times.  Rest. Repeat for 2 sets!

This P90X type exercises are brutal.  They may look easy, but trust me, they are NOT! However, doing these things are really making me realize that I am A LOT stronger than I realize that I am.  Tobe even commented on this yesterday.  He told me that last weeks treadmill workout should have been a real eye opener for me and prove to me that I am strong and can do what ever is thrown at me.  He also said that because of that, he feels that I'm fixing to lose a lot of weight in the coming months!  I really hope he is right!  I really need to speak to Braxton about switching stuff up and making it harder.  Otherwise, I just may have to drop Braxton like a hot potato and strictly workout with Tobe!