Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tonight's Workout (June 29, 2011)

Before I get to this evening's workout I have a rant about some people at the gym.  First of all, your there to workout, not talk on your phone.  Secondly, you should learn how to work the machine. Finally, if you see someone coming up behind you that is running, don't just stand there and look at me, move out of my way.  Some people are just rude!

Ok, enough ranting, here is tonight's workout!

Incline push-ups - 3 sets of 25.

Bench dips - 3 sets of 25.

Chest press - 3 sets of 25 at a weight of 35

Ab machine - 3 sets of 25 at a weight of 65

Planks - 3 sets and holding your plank for 1: 30! Yes, I'm holding them at a minute and half now! GO ME!

Regular push-ups - 3 sets of 15! Holy Cow!! I can do 15 now! That is up 5 from 2 weeks ago!

Since it was Braxton tonight, run lap between sets. I was wore out!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tonight's Workout (June 27, 2011)

Here is tonight's workout:

Body squats - 30 second intervals for 3 sets
Leg press - 1 minute intervals for 3 sets
One leg hip bridges - 1 minute intervals for 3 sets - here on leg is up on the bench and the other is in the air, push up on the leg that is on the bench, keeping the other leg straight and rotate your hips up at the same time.
Alternate standing leg press - you are using the machine where you kind of squat down, putting on leg on the ground and then pushing up with the other leg and alternate legs. 1 minute intervals for three sets.
Tip toe squats - here, you are on your tip toes while holding on to something for balance and squat down as far you can. 30 second intervals for 3 sets.

Since it was Tobe workout time, do jumping jacks in between sets.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Allergen Foods...

Update on staying away from my allergen foods. Staying away from these foods has been very difficult, but I'm noticing a major difference.  Not only do I feel better, there are lots of changes that are positive with this diet change.

1.  I can breath better because my sinuses are not as congested.
2.  I don't feel as bloated.
3.  My skin and hair is looking a lot more healthy.
4.  My face is not puffy anymore (yes, the foods I'm allergic to cause my face to look puffy).
5.  I find that I have a lot more energy.

So, staying away from these foods have been helping me tremendously.  Even though, I really miss eating them, I just have to remind myself that it is just like putting poison into my body.

Tonight's workout... (June 24, 2011)

Well, there have been a few people who have been complaining that all I post on Facebook is my workouts, so I am going to start posting them here in my blog.  I know that there are several of you who do enjoy seeing my workouts, so I'm just moving them to my blog.

Here is tonight's workout...

Bench press... 30 second intervals for 3 sets.  I'm benching 45 pounds now.

One arm military press... 30 second intervals for 3 sets. You need to switch arms after 30 seconds.  I'm using a 25 pound weight now.

Using 5 pound weights in each hand, do lateral raises keeping your thumbs down as you lift and your palms straight, this is a little hard as your wrists will want to turn as you raise your arms.

Using one of the sitting bench chairs, face backwards on the chair so your stomach is using the back of the chair.  With the 5 pound weights, do a lateral raise, then move your arms to the front, move your arms back to the lateral raise position and finally lower your arms back to starting position.  Do this for 30 second intervals and for 3 sets.

Since I did my 2 mile run before hand, Tobe didn't make me do any jumping jacks between sets. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Breaking a HUGE milestone...........

I have some really AMAZING news for everyone that has been following my weight-loss journey.  As you have been reading the last week I decided to stay away from ALL the foods that I'm allergic to.  This has been really difficult for me as I really am limited to just eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat.  Basically, I can not eat ANY processed foods at all because everything that is processed has at least one of the following ingredients: Dairy, Wheat, Corn or Yeast.  Yes, being allergic to these foods is horrible and very limiting on what I can consume.  However, I am starting to notice a huge difference and my body is responding positively to this change!

Even though this is embarrassing to tell the world this, but I now feel comfortable letting you all know because I REFUSE to go back to where I was just a year ago.  First of all, you all know how much weight I have lost, but what you don't know is where I started.  For someone that is as short as I am, my weight was becoming a major health risk.  I started this entire journey weighing in at 268 pounds and a size 24.  Yes, I WAS that big!  I can't believe that I ever allowed myself to become that heavy. The main thing is, I did something about it because I wanted my life back!

So now, here comes the AMAZING news!  Today when I weighed myself at the gym, I was extremely excited to find that I BROKE 200!!! This was even with my clothes on!  You have NO idea what this means to me.  This is a major deal for me right now because, I have not been under 200 for 16 years! Not only that, I found myself slipping back into my old habits for the last couple months.  It seemed to be a never ending battle of gaining and losing the same damn five or six pounds over and over for the last couple months!  If I didn't have to workout with Braxton today, I probably would have broken down in tears as I did feel them starting to come! Instead, I did a HAPPY dance! Then I walked out to the gym to start my training with Braxton with a HUGE smile on my face! He wanted to know what was up, so I told him.  His exact words were "Great Job Killer!! and I'm very proud of you!" Other trainers standing there heard this and "High Fives" were going all around.  

Needless to say, my confidence is really high right now! In the past, when I accomplished something I would celebrate with food.  SO not the case this time! I am going to celebrate by buying myself a new outfit!  I just can't help but say YAY ME!!!!

Not only do I feel like I have my life back, I now have confidence that I have not had in a VERY long time, I feel AMAZING, I'm stronger, I can do things now that I never thought I could do in a million years, and I really am liking my muscle definition that I have now!