Thursday, April 28, 2016

Who doesn't love Tabata??

Just what is Tabata? Tabata is high-intensity interval training.  You will work hard for 20 Seconds and Rest for 10 Seconds. Now, for the reset, you don't just stand there, you have to keep moving. Weather it's jogging in place, jumping jacks or whatever. You still have to keep moving.

The key to Tabata is to have a timer and music that will tell you when to work and when to reset. I have done a full hour of nothing but Tabata and I have never sweated so much in my life, but I loved it! Interval training is really great for weightloss.

You should at least do any workout for at least 30 minutes. So, who wants to do a Tabata Challenge with me? Come on!! You know you want to! We can start on Sunday the 1st of May! 

Download the Ax Training App from your phones App Store OR download the Tabata Wod from your music store. The Tabata Wod has music and tells you when to work, reset, and what round you are one. 

To make this fun, how about we do at least 30 minutes! You will have to repeat the timer or song to get at least 30 minutes. If you can't do one of the exercises listed, just improve or find one similar to do. 

So, who is in??

Best Fitness Apps for your phone...

There are tons of fitness apps out there for your phone. Apps range from just exercise to ones that track both your fitness and food.

It really all depends on what you like. I actually use several different apps to do workouts, track my workouts, food intake, and progress.

You want to use an app that tracks your workout progress with your FitBit, AppleWatch, Microsoft Band, Garmin, LifeTrak, or another fitness watch out there. I have a Microsoft Band and absolutely LOVE it! I also have a LifeTrak watch.

For my overall fitness app, I use MyFitnessPal. I am able to quickly add food, track my calories, track my food macros (Protein, Carbs, and Fat), and it syncs my steps and exercise from my watch. I also find it VERY user friendly. I did use MyNetDiary, but MyFitnessPal is so much better of an app. It has more features than MyNetDiary does.

For just my weight tracker, I use MY Weight. This app gives you a cool little overview of your weight progress. It shows you your weight-loss, weight goal, BMI .. My start weight that I set was from surgery date and not heaviest weight.

Now, for my exercise apps, I like to use Ease into 5K for my running app. It does interval running which is actually good for you. I also have used an app called 30 days that has lots of 30 day challenges in it. These challenges focus on body areas. Such as Arms, Butt, Thighs, Abs and Cardio. The concept of this, is you focus on one area for 30 days and each day the app tells you what to do. It is a cool app because it challenges you and has different fitness levels to do. I also just recently downloaded ACTIVEx App. This app gives you a training planner, workout trainer, and a Tabata Timer. After I try it out, I will let you know.

I know there are alot of fitness apps out there for people to use, sometimes it takes just trying them out to see what you think. I personally, would never purchase an app for fitness. The free ones will work just fine and are sometimes better to use.

If you have a favorite Fitness App, let me know I would love to try it out and who knows, it could become my new favorite!

Here is a link for some of the top Fitness Apps out there.

My List of Fitness Apps

My FitnessPal
MY Weight
Ease into 5K
30 Days

As I find new ones, I will let you know about them if I find them worth it.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

1 Year ago ...

It is hard to believe that it has been a year since my Gastric Sleeve surgery. It amazes me of how much things and I have changed in that year. Over the last year, there have been many ups and downs. I know that I will continue to have these ups and downs, but I have learned to over come the downs and celebrate the ups. This journey is not just about losing the weight and making a lifestyle change, it is SO much more than that. This journey is also very emotional and mental. 
I have changed so much in not just my whole outlook at the way I live my life, but I have grown as a person. I have changed the way I view food and now I am eating to live and not living to eat. I know that is completely cliche, but it is true.

I would have never thought in my life that I would participate in 5K races. When I was growing up, I hated running. No, I didn't hate it, I DESPISED it! I hated to have to run in gym class! But now, I enjoy it. Believe it or not, I actually find it relaxing. Although, I would prefer to run on the treadmill than on the concrete, but the scenery is so much better. I would probably enjoy running even more if I still lived up in the good ole mountain west and could see the mountains around me. I also would have never thought I would do boot camps or even think about trying Cross Fit!

I have learned so much more on this journey than I could have ever dreamed was possible. Yes, I have tried diets all my life, but having the Gastric Sleeve has done a complete mental and emotional change on me. It's like my brain was remapped at the same time. That's the only way that I can explain it.

I may not be where I want to be OR where I thought I would be at my 1 year anniversary and that's OK. The things that I have learned about myself are priceless and unexpected.

I have fallen off track a bit the last couple of months, but it is time to reset and get back in the game 110% and not just 60%. It has been a little bit hard to be as I was prior to my move back in February. My move has been a huge adjustment.  I have to be up so much earlier and by the time I get off work and fight the hour long ride home in traffic, I am too exhausted to workout. I know this is an excuse, I just need to suck it up and just get it done!

The following song has been my mantra for the last several months, and it keeps me going each and everyday. Fight Song by Rachel Platten.

Highest Weight = 268
Surgery Weight = 247
Current Weight = 162

Accomplishments in this year:

1.) Weightloss of 106 pounds from my highest weight and 85 from surgery date
2.) Went from 2X/3X shirt size to a Med/Large
3.) Went from size 22/24 to 8/10
4.) Participated in 2 5K races (goal is to do 5 races in 2016)
5.) No longer pre-diabetic

I have come a very long way in just a year and I'm looking forward to accomplishing even more!

I am so thankful for Dr. Kim and staff at KBI for helping get this second chance at life.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Eating Healthy

Eating Healthy is the first step to better life. As a bariatric patient, I have had to cut out carbs, carbonated drinks, sugar, and foods high in fat. Now, there are days that I don’t abide by all the rules, but it is in moderation. I do have a piece of candy here and there, but I have not had a carbonated drink since April 1, 2015.

This image shows what a normal person should eat to get healthy. For bariatric patients, the protein is 1/2 your plate.

My food macros are: 50/30/20

50% Protien
30% Healthy Fats (ie: Avocado, Olive Oil)
20% Carbs (ie: Quinoa, Whole Grains.. and yes, Veggies and fruit count in your carb intake!)

And..... I'm Back!!

While looking through my Facebook memories today, I found my old weight-loss blog. So, I am back to blogging on this blog. I know it has been a few years since I blogged on this page, but I forgot about it honestly.

In the last year, my life has drastically changed. I decided almost a year ago to have the Gastric Sleeve. Please read the "My Story" Page. It will give you insight into my reason of having WLS (Weight-loss Surgery).

This WLS has been the BEST decision that I have ever made in my life. I will use this blog to try to help other WLS patients, help other decide to go the WLS route, or just help people who are interested in living a healthy lifestyle.

I has been a very exciting and life changing year for me!

I will post more later! I am very excited to have found my old blog again!